Posts Tagged 'gundam wing'

G-Boys Being G-Boys




Heero: Duo?

Duo: Yes?

Heero: Why are you laying under the Christmas tree?

Duo: Because I am a GIFT.

Quatre, from the other room: You sure are, Duo!!

Wufei, from the other other room: How soon can we return him for store credit?

or re-gift him to that coworker you don’t care for lol


[after setting up Preventers]

I think it would make Treize Khushrenada very happy to know that we’re doing
this. I bet he’s looking up at us and smiling right now.

Noin: Up?

Sally: Yeah. He’s in Hell for sure.


Trowa: If Heero, Duo, Quatre, and I were drowning, who would you save?

Wufei: You morons can’t even swim?

Trowa: Wufei, it’s just a hypothetical question.

Duo: Yeah, who would you save?

Wufei: My time and effort.


Heero: You have a face.

Relena: Yes, I do.

Heero: I mean, a nice face. You have a nice face.

Relena: Thank you, I think.

Heero: Please accept my attempt at flirting. I don’t know what I’m doing.


Quatre, about Trowa: I’m having problems with a boy.

Heero: Like “his dead body won’t fit in your car” problems or “you like him” problems?

Quatre: “I like him” problems.

Heero: Too bad, I could have actually helped you with the other one.


Duo: babe, I’m not grabbing your boob, I’m grabbing your heart

Hilde: that’s my right boob tho

Duo: babe


Nobody’s asking me so i’m just gonna say it

I’d fuck Epyon


Relena: So I’m bi-

Dorothy: *hopeful gasp*

Relena: -lingual. I speak two languages.

Dorothy, sadly: Oh. *sips water*

Relena: Also, I like girls too.

Dorothy: *spits out water*


Quatre: Did you know about this? Humans being dropped from 20 feet, it’s unbelievable.

Heero: I know right? 20 feet, walk it off.

Trowa: …Heero, you do know that normal humans just don’t “walk off” a 20 foot fall, right?

Heero: So, all those times I pushed Duo off a building, and he was all AAAHHHHHH, he wasn’t just being funny?

Wufei: I thought it was funny, Yuy.


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